Guess who's 27 today?
You guessed it: Garfield. Happy birthday, you fat pussycat.
I've decided that bookmarks are for sissies and that the only URL I should ever have to remember is my own, so I've put my whole e-life on the sidebar there. Enjoy. The blog links are getting a bit tough to navigate, and I'm starting to wonder if I should actually name the links after the people they're pointing to. That's a little bit too removed from my sidebar theme of making fun of my friends though, so as an alternative I'm also considering sorting it weekly by readability and how much I like you. The formula will likely be something like
(Readability + log(how much I like you) + last week's score)/4
but I am open to other suggestions. If I ever sell out, I might include another factor in the formula like "how many link credits you've bought in the last week", which of course will diminish your "how much I like you" score, since I can't respect anyone who is so vain as to buy such credits. Speaking of selling out, I think it would be pretty funny to put some AdSense ads on the top or side and see if I can get them to pop up Monistat 7 ads by talking about my yeast infection. I'm afraid, though, since at the absolute most 10 people read this blog on any given day, that I will be like a certain fellow some of us know who was somewhere in the middle of some wacky pyramid scheme or marketing opportunity and was receiving cheques for 14 cents every second week. As Jowen and Vikram might scream out as they jump off the CN tower, I ain't got time for that jibba-jabba. I pitied that fool.
I've also installed a site meter (metre?) in an attempt to gauge how many friends I have, but the numbers are kinda inflated, methinks, by the fact that every time I navigate to my own site I visit all of those blogs on the sidebar. I realize I'm a total link whore, which makes me feel bad sometimes. But I'm proud of those links. They make me look like I have friends.
Current Music: Young and Sexy - Life Through One Speaker
I have just installed Picasa2, and I am having fun playing with the editing effects on pornographic pictures. Adding a sephia tone can turn even the most unholy and nasty picture into a tasteful work of art.
I had sex with the Gods. I think they liked it.
Jowen, if I had a picture, I'd send it to you for re-touching.
Jowen, if I had a picture, I'd send it to you for re-touching.
If you use Haloscan, you can tell where your visitors come from. It's pretty hot when you get hits from Estonia.
Vikram - I can't believe how envious and "Me, too" I feel. Damn you
Jowen - This increases your "How much I like you" by at least 5
Vince - !=
I'd like to point out that my catch phrase isn't "ain't got no time for no jibba-jabba" but rather "Don't jive me, Turkey."
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